Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Positive Imagery and Mind Power (from my RR email today!)

This is good for running, but can be used in all facets of life really!

Cathy xo

1. Visualization

• Visualize the first goal of your training. e.g. to run 10 K, to complete the marathon.
• Next visualize the key elements that get you there.
• Then fill in as many details as possible.
• Be positive but realistic.

2. Analyze the Problems

• Motivation? Determination? Performance?
• Where are you losing it?
• What are the causes?

3. Focus on Your Successes

• List the times when you started to have the problems and then overcame them and went on.
• Relive the successful experiences and store them in your memory.
• Your past successes can lead you to future ones! IV. Power Words
• Develop a power word for your success with each of your major problems.
• With each new or recurring problem, use the words and store the successes, e.g. imagining the word “character” as noted in! our hill training session.

4. Mental Rehearsal

• Rehearse the experience many times each week.
• Start with the key elements, problems, successes and goal fulfillment, and then fill in key details.
• Always be realistic but positive and successful.
• The more problems you project, the more likely you are to overcome them.

5. Shifting into the Right Brain

• The logical left brain has all the excuses.
• The creative right brain can get the job done.
• You can train yourself to shift over through Ignoring, Distracting, Projecting, Imaging.
•Mental rehearsal will help you shift into the right brain so you can “do it.“

6. An Unlimited Bag of Tricks

• Creativity can overcome almost any problem with time, realism, visualization.
• If you believe in something, you can make it happen if it’s doable.
The rubber band: think of a huge rubber band pulling you up the hill.
• The fishing rod: you have hooked the person in front of you and now you are slowly reeling them in.

7. You Have the Capacity to Overcome Any Problem

• Work through your problems.
• Learn from your experiences.
• Become part of your success.


Anonymous said...

Cathy you are doing great...I will guess that you will dip below 135 when you start training for your 1/2 marathon. I know I did when i was training :) You are an inspiration to all of us that with hard work and perseverance you can achieve your goals. Thank you for that!

cathy said...

Hello Anonymous!

Thank you for your kind words who ever you are, I appreciate it!

You are welcome!


Kerry said...

I really like that idea of the rubber band... (but then my right brain envisions me being flung like a little ball!)

Power words, that's good too. There must be ones out there that are better than just 'you can do it!'. I'll be thinking about that now.

Kerry said...

Ooo! I found a good power word/saying. 'There is NO can't!', and then I like to add a growl or something at the end of it just to get all cavewoman. So far it's worked! ;)

cathy said...

Oh me like cavewoman....grunt LOL!

Good one!

st said...

Thanks for the great post. I LOVE this! I couldn't print it (out of ink). Where did you get it?

cathy said...

Meg: From my local Running Room (store) email. Glad you like it!