Thursday, May 15, 2008

Losing motivation on a daily basis...

My motivation is waining. I don't feel the get up and go that I had for all of the pounds I have previously lost. For instance last night, I had nachos, 2 slices of poppy seed ring and 4 pieces of dark chocolate. I didn't need all of that, but I just WANTED it. Today, I was back on track with my eating. But I don't have the gusto to keep it going. I know it is only 22 more pounds or so, but I seriously could care less these days. I don't feel motivated. Why the shift? why the change? I am not sure. But all I know is that I don't want to stay like this.

I need to do something to reach my goal. I need to start exercising more, and recording my food again I think. Then, I need to come up with an attainable and fabulous SOMETHING for me when I get there. But really today, that doesn`t even thrill me.

I have a really sore neck today, so maybe that is getting me down. I am hoping that tomorrow it will be feeling better. Same with my bad attitude. I am usually not like this. What is going on with me these days...I better snap out of this one boy...


Shawna said...

Go Cathy, Go, Go, Go -- You can do it!

Anonymous said...

Cathy!! I am Amber Petersen's sister Nicole and I have been tracking your progress and had to say you are doing amazing!!! I know there are days or even weeks when you feel 'why should I?' and those are tough times but you can do it! I am just beginning my own journey to get injury free to be able to run again and to get rid of those annoying 10-15 pounds...I know I go on a yo-yo ride of days where I tell myself I am fine, why do I need to go that much further but then there are days when I feel 'yes, I can do it, and I really really want to do it' so I try to focus in on those days!
Good luck...I know you can do it!! Looking forward to your updates :)

Carol Kerfoot said...

Just ride the wave girlfriend. You'll make it.