Thursday, May 29, 2008

One good thing...

This morning, our son asked my husband how old somebody has to be go running at the Running Room? We said about your age. So, I guess all of our healthy outings and running together is making our kids take note of how to be healthy. I guess that is called leading by example?!

I am pleased. We told him we will need to get new runners, and that he should be sure to participate in Kilometre Club at school. (2x's per week.)

That made my morning! I am excited to see that he wants to try running! How fun will that be to run with our son! I bet he kicks our but out there!! Oh to be young...

1 comment:

Alyson said...

It is a balance...but I'm glad you and Cliff are doing it together...bad days aside, it is moments like these (your son) that keep you going and know that all your sacrifice is worth it...Your sacrifice is worth it....worth it...worth it.