Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Night - The 700 Dollar Week

Well, I feel as if my motivation is going by the wayside today. I just feel very unmotived for some reason. I don't know...maybe it is all that is going on at home. And, the yucky winter weather. Just isn't keeping me that interested. This is when I SHOULD be going full bore. I haven't stopped doing anything it is just my state of mind.

I think it is because the GBG weigh in is in 4 days and I just want to do well. But, I am competing with men that can lose weight a lot easier etc. I just would LOVE the chance to win 700 dollars because it is so needed around here. But, I am quite sure I will not get that money. I guess that is why I feel like giving up. Not that this whole weight loss experience has been a waste. It hasn't been.

I guess because I know I could work the HARDEST ever, and it would mean I would lose but not big numbers like the boys. That sucks. I cannot dedicate as much time as I would have LOVED to devote to this contest. And, I am still feeding Coco. I can only push myself so far with that, and do not want to risk losing my milk over a contest that is supposed to make me healthier etc.

But, I will continue on. I will push through this. I will not quit. I will finish off strong, and who knows? A girl like just me COULD win. Or maybe tie? Who knows.

I just hate to LOSE. I think I am a sore loser lol. But, I must say, that by the time the contest is over both my hubby and I will have taken off about 100 pounds (together) and that is pure WIN WIN.

I have put up my eating schedule on the fridge, I have my exercise plan in place and I have "1st place" taped up to my fridge!! And "700 dollar week!!!" Keep pushing ahead! The contest is not over YET!

I will check in again soon.

4 more days. 4 more days. 4 more days!

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