Monday, December 17, 2007

Vascular Surgeon Appointment Update

Today, Cliff took Courtney and myself to the big old city and I met with my specialist. He took a look, and suggested that I get support hose. And let me tell you, they are like the worst/tightest pair of hose you have EVER worn. And, they are very EXPENSIVE. Like 150 dollars expensive. And, I had to be measured for them. It took so long!!!

Anyways, so he also wants me to go for a vein scan/ultrasound to check out my faulty valves/veins etc. I have to call to arrange for that appointment. It takes 45 mins and I have to wear shorts to that appointment...oh lovely when you have such knotted up, twisty veins. I don't even OWN, I think I will borrow a pair of Cliff's running shorts. This scan will give the specialist an idea of if I need surgery or not. I am thinking yes, because he handed me a piece of paper with the info on day surgery. And if I need day surgery it is done under local with IV sedation, or if BOTH legs it would be under general sedation. I am hoping for only one leg. Anyways. I will arrange for that vein scan for asap.

The good thing is that, I do NOT have to wait 2 months after breastfeeding for surgery if needed. And, thankfully he is starting the process early for me so that when the time is right...all of the steps are in place to get my legs looking lovely and smooth again. And, oh what a joy that will be to wear skirts, shorts, dresses and be able to shave properly again. That will be good. I am sick of my grandpa/old man legs.

So for now. I will suck it up and wear these tight tights/stockings/whatevers. I want to take a photo because they are just so ugly. I am sure my husband will not come NEAR me lol!! I need to wear them until the vein swelling goes away. Right now I feel hot, because they are not natural fibres, and they make me itchy and sweaty feeling. Especially when I am used to being barefoot all of the time. I also have to wash these things DAILY EVERY night, and you need rubber gloves (bright green ones) SERIOUSLY to pull/rub them up. I kid you not. Then, I need to put them on EVERY morning. Oh, just give me a little more to do...because I have all of the time in the world...Uh huh.

Suck it up buttercup...yup suck it up. It is for your own health...yup.


Allyson said...

I'm feeling your pain love. I wore those gosh darn things for 3 count 'em, 3 pregnancies! It was horrible. My doctor said, don't even get out of bed before you put them on. But the truth is, I think it helped alot.

I'm sorry you've got to wear them, hang in their babes!

Jillian Kirby said...

Oh yuck! That is a drag Cathy! I'm sure hoping it's worth it and they do the trick for you!

Here's hoping you get the surgery you need and your back to your old pretty legs in no time (you'll need them to match your pretty body after Goo Be Gone!) ;)

PamnPat'sParadise said...

Oh girl - that sounds horrid but the end result will be amazing and just like your picture!

Hang in there my friend!

Andrea said...

those are called TED stockings lol. And I have many of times had to put them on a patient in the hospital! So if you think its hard to put them on yourself imagine me trying to put them on someone else LOL I literally sweat.
They actually recommend nurses where them while workin on their feet so much haha