Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tales about your Scale...

I am looking to buy a good scale. I am starting my 140 pound program on January 2nd. I want to purchase a scale.

I would like some input. Thanks!!


PamnPat'sParadise said...

I have the Weight Watchers scale and as much as it gives you the 000.0 type of weight, I find that the numbers really fluctuate depending on where you stand on the scale.

So i'm not recommending this one :o)

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Pam's. I took a moment to glance at your blog while I was checking out Pam's. I admire you for having 6 children, my third is 10 months old. I would like to have a fourth(my husband and I discussed 7 but I think I'd be in a loony bin) You talked about something that really hit home for me, the LAST child. I love getting and being pregnant and giving birth. The thought of no more startle reflexes, or rooting from a hungry baby bird or the first look of comprehension of something new on their face makes my heart break. As far as the scale goes my vote is no. I thought about getting one too for 20lb goal I started a month ago. My husband made me realize it can be a dangerous tool to have in the home. I know my starting weight and I think what I'll do is step on a scale at the doctor's or Wal-Mart or something at the three month mark. Aside from that I'm gonna go based on how my clothes fit. I have chosen one pair of jeans that I'm going to try on once a month to gauge how I'm doing. That's my two cents, good luck!

Dawn Nelson