Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wed and Thursday combined

Yesterday was too busy to blog! I had intentions, but life got in the way ;D

I went running on the streets, not around the parking lot last night! It was very exciting to be able to open up my pace a bit again. We did the "Super Fun Run" two times last night. So lots of hill running which felt FABULOUS! I love hills! So challenging and so good for training. We ran about 9.7 kms. I ran for about 55 minutes. Average pace was around 5:42 , and fastest pace was 4.0.

My cycle decided to show up yesterday too, so SURPRISE...after almost 45 days or something like that. It is the breastfeeding etc. I am down to one feed in the evening, almost done I would say. I am still producing, and she is still happy.

I couldn't sleep last night, so I did my push ups and stretching before bed.

As for today, I will see how I 'feel' and if I am actually able to get out for a run. *fingers* crossed. If not, I will try on Saturday. If not then, well I have a long run scheduled for Sunday. Should be a nice weekend.

Tomorrow is my first weigh in, and I am on track. All is good. I will be glad to get back under the 150 mark, but most likely not this week. I am also looking forward to my splurge tomorrow night.

PS. Christine, you had asked me about Vitamins. I take daily: a multi, vitamin c, vitamin d, fish oils and magnesium.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow... you are a machine. I wish you would post some pictures again! Wait...maybe I should go back and check in December's posts for some. I was gone for awhile. I just had my first weight loss week (started on the new year, like you did), I have lost 6 pounds in week one. Woo Hoo. I have about 100 to lose. You are such an inspiration. I am also nursing full time a 7 month old. Yay for nursing! You are amazing... keep it up.