Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Freakin Muffin Top

Yes, I said muffin top. These extra few pounds are literally weighing me down on my runs, and in my mind. It is like I have reverted back to the 'fat Cathy' that I was months ago. It is like I have lost all control in the eating department, and I do not feel like getting back on track. I know that in times of stress food is my comfort. But, seriously I HAVE to get back on track because I have a dress I have to fit into for my sisters Wedding at the end of January 2009. 

I have still not hit the 155 mark, but I am close enough to go what are you doing to yourself Cathy?! Why?! So, at some point I have to say no to the full fat Peppermint mochas, and the extra cookies etc. Just because the season is festive shouldn't give me license to just fill my my face with unhealthy bad food choices. 

I do have to say that I was very 'on plan' for MANY months. Rigid plan. I was eating so healthy, and on my plan for almost a whole year. That is certainly a whole lot of being 'good'! and so I guess I figured that I could just let myself go a bit.  Well, obviously I have no sense of control. My life has been chaotic, stressful, boring, ground hog like. And I guess food has really been my companion through all of those feelings. And this depressing weather is not helping either. 

Now, I have to find another way to charge through all of the above emotions sans food. Running helps, and I have been doing less of that. Only 3-4 times a week. Unlike in the past where I was running almost every day. And, my breastfeeding of my daughter is dwindling (FINALLY) and also I experienced my first 'cycle' and that made me crave the usually salty chips etc. It is hard to stay on track. I am getting lazy, and that is not how I want to be.

Anyways, I am going to add in an extra run on Friday and try to just get eat healthy, add in more fruits and veggies. Drink a lot more water and hopefully doing so will sort of put me back on track. I need to be moderate, and not extreme. 

I need a plan, and I need one fast. I do not want a muffin top. Oh no I do not. How to motivate myself during the holidays is going to challenge me. That is for sure. I have worked too darn hard to let this all go.


AmberW said...

Cathy you have come so far and have done AMAZING things! Things that most people cannot accomplish so definitely be proud. It is good that you make no excuses, we have to own what we are and what we do - without that we will always be saying "one more day".... you'll get there my friend!!! I have faith in you :)

Irma said...

Ahh Cathy you can do it! You have before....and look how! What stamina. Hey at least you realize what's going on right away, so you can nip it right away! Good luck Cathy...I know you can do it!

PamnPat'sParadise said...

I'm here for you too Cathy. I know when things are hard, food is the easiest thing to turn too but I know you'll get back on track and work hard to fit that dress just the way you want too.

Me...I'm back on the bandwagon and trying to drag my family with me. The family that exercises together gets healthy together.

Go Cathy Go!! I know you can do it!

st said...

Don't be too hard on yourself! You're only human. If anybody can get back on track, I know you can!