Friday, May 23, 2008

140's are close...

I have really found that you can eat well all you want, and the weight hardly budges when breastfeeding. BUT, if you eat well and ramp up the exercise combined with a positive I AM GOING TO GET THIS WEIGHT off mental attitude of pure positivity it surely works. IT is like a magice triangle!! All points of the triangle have to be FULLY engaged to lose the weight I have found.

I could possibly be in the 140's next week which is just crazy to me. I keep standing on the scale in disbelief!! I keep getting called 'bone rack' and 'skinny' which I do not see LOL. All I know is that I have never ever felt so strong and healthy. For I am doing this whole weight loss really well.

So I could possibly drop into the 140's this coming week, or the next. I haven't been there since 1989/1990. The year I graduated or just in college. The thought is just mind blowing to me. I have muscles developing in my legs, and I look strong. I like that look for me.

I find I have to 'release' the weight in my mind and let it go, and it goes. Bye bye weight. I never want to see you again.

It is Friday, and I have a 5 kilometre steady run to do tonight at a very good pace. I am hoping/needing to complete this run in 26 minutes which is a good race pace for the half. That time will also take about 2 minutes off of my fastest 5 k I have ever done. *fingers crossed*


1 comment:

Shawna said...

Go Cathy Go!

Thanks for the encouragement...I am feeling stuck in the mud and needed your encouragement today.


Thinking about you and your run, hope it went well.