Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Weigh In - Week 17

Well, I did it. I am officially out of the 160's!

Today, I am 159.2! (Down 3.4 pounds from last week) My waist is 29"

I will have a photo done tonight to update how I look! I am now 5 pounds away from where I was after I had my daughter Claire (I weighed about 154 pounds when I turned 30) And, I am 9 pounds from where I joined Weight Watchers in college when my boyfriend told me I was 'fat.' Yah. Why oh why? Anyways. Life moves on!

It is funny, there are two trains of thought when people see me. They tell me I look great and shouldn't lose any more. And then there are the others who understand me, and say yah! go for it. And yes...I am going for it. I have 24.4 more pounds to go until my goal weight. I plan on getting there by July 1st! (Just happens to be a Tuesday and the middle of summer! Perfect for bikini season right!!!)

Tonight is my splurge night. Nachos here I come LOL!

My grand total weight loss from November 16th is 78.8 pounds. Next week it will be over 80 pounds!


***********Dawn*********** said...

YEAH Cathy!!! I cannot wait to see your photos! A 29 inch waist is so incredible!! I bet Cliff can't keep his hands off you! As for the last "few" pounds and I say a few because compaired to how much you have lost it is really a tiny number; I know you can do it..135 here you come.


LauraC said...

WOO HOO CATHY!!! I know you can do it too! And I can not wait to see pics.... 24 lbs left to go is SO EASY compared to the first 79. Almost 80 lbs lost, that is crazy awesome!!

AmberW said...

Holy crappola Cathy... you are AMAZING!!!!! i can't wait to see pictures... and I can't wait to see you in May and then in October - I will give your tiny self a big squeeze!!

Alyson said...

wow. 150's is sooooo close to the 130's!!!!

I started reading your blog over a year ago because your profile said that you had 5 kids and ran....you are my inspiration. you can't stop now!!!

Even though we can't run together, we will be training for our Half and full Marathon together....and only a day apart!!!!!

I will need you to help me run through the summer heat. Hmmmm perhaps I should have you call and give me my 5am wake up call....oh wait. You are 3 hours behind me!!!.

Jasmyne said...

Awesome Cathy! You need to let us in on your secrets!

PamnPat'sParadise said...

Just amazing!!! You look great - well from the behind at least :o) What a photographer that man of yours is!!

Can't wait to see the front shots - it must be so amazing to see the change in the pictures side by side.