Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Today was a good day, the sun was out. Cliff and I drove out my route to school and back the other day. We came to the conclusion that if I do all walking to and from school I walk 3 kms a day just doing those walks. The walks with the kids are slower of course than my brisk walking pace. But still. It is exercise. I don't record that, but just think of it as part of my life. That being fit in exercise WHEREVER I can get it! I love to walk thank goodness.

I promised myself that this week I would ramp up my exercise, as my eating is right on. So today although I did not really want to get on the treadmill. I did. I got on there for 90 minutes. I did 6 sets of 10/1's (so I did 60 mins running total) and then I did the rest of the session just brisk walking. Then stretching. I did about 5 miles or about 10 kms tonight. Felt right on! Whoooo!

Tomorrow, I hope to do the same...but is my favourite day tomorrow, so we will play that one by ear.

I *heart* Valentines Day!


Kerry said...

Makes me tired just reading the post. 60 minutes of running and I would be flat on the floor...with ambulance sirens in the background, LOL.

cathy said...

Too funny Kerry! Seriously, before I started running I would have never thought I could run like that!! I bet you could do it too with practise!!

AmberW said...

Cathy I don't know how you run on that treadmill for so long!! You are awesome!! I don't think I coudl ever run that far. I AM going to be starting training for a run that we do down in Victoria over Thanksgiving... just 10km I am hoping!! You give me inspiration to do it :D

Kerry said...

A LOT of practice! LOL!!! Maybe those roller shoes would help... ;)